"You're organizing what?"
"Trash haulers. I mean on my block I'm..."
"You're working for a garbage company now?"
"No. I'm trying to help my neighborhood reduce the number of haulers that use our alleys. Right now we have five."
"How does that make any sense?"
"It doesn't."
"Sounds like a waste of money."
"It is."
"In Boise the City takes care of it. Are you working for the City?"
"No. I'm... I'm volunteering... to... I'm... Here people can feel pretty strongly about... um...thier hauler. There are a lot of companies to support."
"Couldn't you just divide the City up where a different company handled certain areas?"
"There doesn't seem to be the political will to do that."
"Political will?"
"It's complicated?"
"Why is it complicated?"
"I'm about to find out."